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I love being a Buddhist because the Dharma offers real, practical, and concrete advice for how to improve your life.

I was hooked the first time I read the words of Gautama, to the tune of "don't take my word for anything, try it for yourself, and when it works you'll know it's true". A life-long skeptic, I took him up on his offer, and lo and behold, it worked. So now I know it's true.

The proof is a changed life, as the saying goes, and mine is CHANGED.
-- BlackAdder

...Buddhism reminds me to be myself naturally and be blissful about this life. It has shown me that true refuge is not elsewhere but right within me, the essence and substance of tathagatha, which reveals its infinite virtues everyday to me. It makes me responsible for my life and towards my fellow beings. It is not an easy way but becomes easier as i progress, shedding my ego.
-- mallusarun

I like being a Buddhist because the Buddha's teachings bring sanity to an otherwise insane existence.
-- smsullivan

I like being a Buddhist because it makes me look within myself to solve my problems, not blame others...I've learned that awakening is not a magic bullet that will take all problems away - but that in working through my inner issues and coming to see the inter-connectedness of all things, I can approach my problems with compassion for myself. At that point, I can give of myself in a fuller, more peaceful way...
-- Nightngle

1) boundless compassion and equanimity
2) clear, concise and practical instructions on how to practice moral discipline and the benefits of doing so
3) the chance to use logic and reason to support spiritual beliefs
4) emotional, spiritual, intellectual fulfillment and hope.
-- kwinters

I like being Buddhist because:
1) It's practical
2) It's authentic
3) It completely clears all suffering
4) One can cultivate compassion, wisdom, and generosity
5) One can save all sentient beings
6) One can skillfully mix the reverent and the slapstick.

And in the spirit of George Costanza, who once said he joined a church because he liked the hats...I like the cushions.
-- kanzeon

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