
Author and politics professor D.C. Innes said in a recent WorldMag article it is becoming socially unacceptable to be Christian and especially in the workplace it is common practice for believers to be quiet about faith. He writes “Accepting the new moral and cultural norms is the easy route but it’s apostasy: “…what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?...” (2 Corinthians 6:15-15, ESV).

Is Jesus Becoming Public Enemy #1?

With the rise of ISIS and Christian persecution around the globe one would answer this question with an emphatic “yes!” Christians feel the pinch of shrieking looks and sharp pivots when putting discussions of faith on the table. It’s either met with defensiveness, dismissiveness, or vague agreement. What a minute, it would seem that this is the same opposition the early church faced from The Sermon on the Mount to Calvary. Therefore, we have no excuse. Jesus says, “In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Christians have to take a stand forging ahead in the power of the Holy Spirit to navigate cultural push-back. The 21st century response is no different than that of the disciples. Here’s what they did:

“Power From On High” – Jesus told the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come. He would endue them with power strong enough to prevail against the oppositional societal current. The very resurrection power of Christ would reside within now.

“Prayer In Community” – They created a tight prayer network that was in constant dialogue with Heaven. When Peter was imprisoned, the saints prayed to God day and night and as a result an angel was sent to free Him. We have that same ability to partner with Heaven and influence change.

“Preach the Kingdom” – With bold courage the early church was not afraid to evangelize and step out, even in the face of imminent death. Stephen, the first martyr, died giving one of the best biblical historical oration’s of all time.

“Patience in Persecution” – They were beaten, spat on, laughed at, imprisoned and killed but for the joy that was set before them they endured if it meant the spreading of the Gospel.

Christians it’s time we take our position seriously and not allow the fear of man to suffocate the sharing of faith. It does a disservice to the memories of all of those who fought so that we could have this right. We are called to “go” not “run” and not “shy away.”

Go boldly carrying this reminder from Christ to the finish, “And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

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