Excerpted from "Cycles and Seasons: Lunar Rhythms and Earth Wisdom," published in the Winter 1999-2000 issue of SageWoman.

Mighty Dragon flies down from heaven on February 5, 2000, the second new moon after winter solstice. Prepare for an exciting, magnificent, but perhaps overwhelming year. 2000 will be time of power, passion, drive, ambition, and daring. Life feels as if all events are magnified threefold. Dragon year is an excellent time to take risks, start a business, marry, or have children. But unrealistic dreams and fantasies will crash. On a global level expect dramatic changes such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tidal waves.

In the West, the Dragon symbolizes a hideous beast, one that represents the worst moral qualities. Throughout thousands of years of Chinese history, however, Dragon was a sacred animal that symbolized royalty, prosperity, and wisdom. Dragon has magical attributes and can transform itself into any creature. Benevolent Dragon protects temples and monasteries.

Dragon year occurs every twelve years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, and 2000. Those born in Dragon year are blessed by Heaven chi. Their life experiences are very intense because Dragon wears the horns of destiny. There are no casual friendships for a Dragon. Every interaction is a continuation of heavy past life karma that must be resolved immediately. Dragons lead and succeed. They think independently, love freedom, and are adamant believers in equal rights. Some men find Dragon women intimidating because they are powerful. Dragons love adventure and want to make a huge impact on the world. But their idealism must be combined with concrete action to make their dreams reality. Those born in Dragon years can expect great good fortune in their Dragon year.

Fate for the other Taoist animal signs in year 2000 follows. See www.taofengshui.com if you don't know your sign.

Rat: Expect achievement, success, and good fortune, especially in relationships, career, and marriage. Dragon is Rat's best friend, so Dragon energy helps Rat achieve goals.

Ox: Fireworks may go off around you but avoid the dramatic festivities. Ox must work hard and be very focused, dedicated, patient, and reliable. Rewards come at the end of the year.

Tiger: Dragon's dynamic energy will stimulate Tiger and bring excitement and diverse activities. Tiger does best to compromise should difficult situations arise. Avoid power struggles.

Hare: Expect much activity and movement, which can be to Hare's benefit if she or he is motivated and maintains an optimistic attitude. New friends and acquaintances can prove beneficial. If too overextended, retreat and rest at home.

Dragon: Expect accomplishments on a grand scale; Dragons benefit greatly from the energy of their own year. Recognition, progress in business, and exciting social activities create much happiness for the lucky Dragon.

Serpent: Expect excitement and much activity. It is best if Serpent retreats occasionally to quietly ponder and meditate away from the tempest. In this way, Serpent retains power in the eye of the storm and ends the year with a full harvest.

Horse: Expect extremes of highs and lows under Dragon's stormy influence. Horse may feel unsettled and start to worry, which is not the usual Horse response. Horse benefits by enjoying the company of family and friends and by not cultivating a fearful or pessimistic attitude.

Sheep: Expect a time of stimulation and excitement. Under Dragon's glorious influence, Sheep can find happiness, success, and romance. But care must be taken with finances and excessive festivity can lead to illness.

Monkey: Fun, excitement, merriment, and success create one of the best years for Monkey. Projects that have been in the works come to fruition. But entertainment can be costly, so Monkey should practice some financial restraint.

Phoenix (Rooster): Expect a much better cycle now that Hare year is over. The spotlight shines on Phoenix, success is guaranteed, rewards are bestowed, and good luck is foreseen. An excellent year for marriage.

Dog: Draconic dramatics and intense emphasis on financial gain is uninteresting to altruistic Dog. It is best to keep quiet and act cautiously. Dragon is the opposite of Dog, which can cause tension. A year to take care of yourself.

Boar: Expect a fine year with lively social times, much feasting and celebration. Success is foreseen at work, and Boar enjoys recognition and the respect from others.

Lunar Energy For Winter
January 20--Full moon in Leo. Enjoy the full moon with a party. Then clean your home and donate old clothes during the next two weeks to prepare for the Chinese New Year.

February 5--New moon in Aquarius. Dragon year begins today. The wheel has turned and a new cycle of passionate activity begins.

February 19--Full moon in Virgo. Dragon year parades and festivals occur in Chinatowns across America and all over the world. Join the festivities!

March 5--New Moon in Pisces. Pisces is a very psychic sign. Use this dark new moon as a special time for dreams, shamanic journeys, or divination with tarot cards or rune stones. If messages seem veiled, it's just the Mercury retrograde influence.

March 19--Full Moon in Virgo and Spring Equinox. The moon shines brightly as we experience equal day and equal night all over our planet. A time of balance, peace, and harmony. Light increases as we enter summer and leave winter behind.

Susan Levitt is an old-school Dianic witch and priestess. She is a Tarot reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is the author of "Taoist Feng Shui" and "Taoist Astrology." She maintains a web site at www.taofengshui.com.

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