
As we’ve collected and discussed nominees for our Top Support Group contest, more than one member has told us that these groups sustain them, give them life, and get them through rough days. They also help people celebrate their best days—nothing feels better than sharing a victory with a close friend, including a friend you’ve known only online.  

Top Support Groups

Let’s admit from the beginning that every single one of these support groups—and many more on Beliefnet Community—  are the “top” support group to their members. Even as we celebrate all these groups, we thought it’d be fun to let you vote on your favorites. So click through the groups below, get to know them and their members if you don’t already, and vote for the one you admire most. We’ll announce the winner on July 7.

Our Top Support Groups:

1) Art, Healing, and Transformation
Administrator: phototransformations
Whether you create or consume art, if you’ve experienced its power to heal, this group is for you.

2) Being Okay in Your Own Skin
Administrator: deniseac
The title says it all—Being Okay is for anyone, on any day, in any place, who needs comfort for anything.

3) Beyond Blue
Administrator: Therese Borchard
Self-described “holy whackjob” (and popular blogger) Therese Borchard launched this group for readers of her blog and anyone struggling with depression.

4) Coping with the Loss of Our Loved Ones Daily
Administrator: cdkelly
If you’ve known loss, you know it’s impossible to cope alone—but as this group shows, community can turn grieving into healing.

5) Depression Support Gameland
Administrator: Nay_ho_tze
Sometimes the best way out of depression is to take a mental break, and this group provides a steady stream of fun games and challenges.

6) Loving Souls – Original Recipe
Administrator: themarirev
This group finds richness in diversity—all faiths and points of view are welcome to a community rooted in love.

7) Military Family Support Group
Administrator: IHOP
This much-needed group is dedicated to serving those with loved ones in service.

8) Self Care for Care-Givers
Administrator: John Chaplain
Caregivers need care, too, and this group offers encouragement and advice for caregivers of all kinds, whether professional or family-based.

9) The Soulmate Project
Administrator: LaurieSue@GoddessLakshmi
Love is a spiritual journey—here, members take that journey together.

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