Our "When You Come Home..." feature was created using pictures submitted by the Beliefnet community of their friends and family members serving in the armed forces. We'd love to refresh this feature with additional images you provide.

Are you or a loved one in the military? Do you have photos of these members of the armed forces with their friends and families? If you're in the military yourself, what (or who) do you most look forward to when you get home? Beliefnet is asking our readers for photos and videos paying tribute to the lives and valor of these brave men and women and the loved ones waiting for them at home.

Send your photos via email to: BeliefnetMilitaryPics@gmail.com. Subject line should say: Visions of Courage. You may also send photos and video to us at:

Beliefnet, Inc
Attn: Military Photos
PO Box 1062
New York, NY 10010

  • Photos must be in .jpg or .gif format.
  • Please include your full name, your city/state of residency, and a short description/explanation of the photo, describing the name of the solider or Marine, rank, military division, where it was taken, etc.
  • If you need help with creating a DVD to send us (by mail only, please) and have a PC, click here; Mac users, click here.
  • Solider or Marine need not be in military attire.

    All photos must be original to you. If you are submitting a work that has been previously published elsewhere, please make sure there will be no conflict before submitting to us. We just want to remind you that, per our terms of service, Beliefnet trusts that you only send material you actually own (i.e. not other people's copyrighted materials) and by sending it to us, you grant us and our editorial partners the right to use it in any form.

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