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It seems that  many parents are
experiencing a great deal of stress during this holiday season. As a
mother myself, I know just how hard it can be to carry the weight of
managing family finances, the home, the kids…and create a great holiday for your family on a shoestring!

To do all this when
money is tight not only increases the stress — it can deplete our
inner resources, too. So moms and dads, I want you to know that this Christmas season, it’s important to also take care of
yourself. Your family needs you more than they needs things. So, make sure you take some time out to take care of yourself, too. After all, you’re the glue that keeps it all together.

Here’s a hoilday prescription for all the parents who are coping with challenging times:

1. Take time to begin each day with prayer – you need and deserve this daily spiritual support and nourishment form God..

2. Get up 15 minutes early and give yourself the gift of yoga or
meditation – it’s a present to yourself that will help restore you and
keep you strong and grounded throughout the day.

3. Be your own cheerleader – keep track all
the good and right things you do everyday to take care of your children
and family. We don’t always get the positive feedback from others, but
that doesn’t mean we can’t give it to ourselves.

4. Do this affirmation everyday: “Everyday I make a plan and do the
best I can and know that is enough. I am strong, capable, worthy and
supported by God.”

5. Whenever you feel stressed, take a 5 minute break to sit quietly and
just breathe. Know that as a mother, you are a life-giving miracle
doing God’s work in the world.

6. If you feel lonely or unsupported, call a friend and ask for 5 minutes to check in or vent.

7. When you’re tired or overwhelmed, know that it’s okay and necessary
to ask your kids or spouse for more help and support. We really can’t
do it all, all the time!

8. At the end of each day – after dinner, the dishes, the kids are
bathed and in bed – just for yourself. Take a walk, turn on some music,
read a book, take a warm bath, pray, meditate and give yourself some
time and credit for all you do and for all you are to so many.

9. Know this truth: how much money you have or gifts you have to offer your children is not a
refection of how good a parent you are. You are the gift they need most. Expensive presents under the tree can never replace you or your love for your family. Holidays come and go…but you are there everyday loving and parenting your children and that…is what truly matters.

Peace & Blessings!

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