victoria osteen, daily inspirationHave you ever waited so long for something that you developed an I-don’t-care attitude? Maybe the words “I don’t care” even came out of your mouth, but what is the truth deep down inside your heart?

I’ve found that most of the time, when we get this “I-don’t-care attitude,” it’s really because we actually care so much about that thing that we’re afraid it’s not going to happen or turn out the way we hope. On top of that, we get anxious because we put the weight on our own shoulders and think that we are the ones who have to figure it all out and make it happen. So in order to hide our fear and relieve ourselves of the pressure to make everything work out, we just say “I don’t care.”

But do you know what God says about your situation? He says, “I know you care about that, and I care about it, too. Why don’t you release that burden to Me and find rest for your soul? Trust that I have a good plan for your future and let Me give you rest.”

When you release your cares and concerns to Him, then you are in a position to receive His grace and strength for this journey of life. When you put your trust and hope in Him, that’s when He will renew your strength. That’s when you will be empowered to run and soar with eagles.

Today, if you’ve said you don’t care anymore about something, take a few minutes to reflect and check your heart. If you really don’t care about it, then let it go. Have you ever been to the store and picked something up, but then you got in the line and the item you had wasn’t worth the wait, so you decided to put it back and move on? That’s what we have to do in the spiritual realm, too. Maybe you really have decided that thing doesn’t mean as much as it did before. However, if you’re like most people and you really do care, then be honest with yourself and God. Tell Him how important that thing is. Give Him the weight and burden of it. Trust that He is working things together for your good. Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. He cares about your situation, and He knows what’s in your heart.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29, NIV).

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