

Ephesians 4:29,”Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. But only what is helpful according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”. This is a verse that is sometimes hard to wrap our brains around. Trying to not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths every single day is such a hard concept to understand. It is hard to take and to understand because we don’t always want to benefit others through the words that come out of our mouths. Some days were angry and don’t want to talk nicely to people. Some days it’s easier than others. But isn’t it easier to be the one who is nicer to people than being a jerk to others? Some people only live to be negative. It is unfortunate because life is too short to be anything but nice to people.

Granted we all go through times when many bad things come out of our mouths such as curse words, gossip, lies, and other things. We only normally think about the bad things that are coming out of our mouths can ruin friendships, relationships and drive families apart, only once they are out of our hearts, minds and are coming out of our mouths. Once we let things come out of our mouths, we realize we can’t take them back. Our words not only hurt others. Our words can make people doubt themselves . For us, any unwholesome talk can make it even harder to believe in God’s true plan for our lives and it can cause us to doubt ourselves. You don’t want to be the one who caused a friendship to go awry, or a relationship to break off, just because of something you said, do you? Always watch what comes out of your mouth and think about everything you’re going to say before you say it.
At times we get so fed up and so angry at ourselves and with other people that we forget to watch what comes out of our mouths. Remember how words affect you, and they also affect others as well. Remember once things are out of your mouth they can’t be taken back. You can say sorry to someone you hurt but then it’s their choice to forgive you or not. Even if they don’t forgive you at least you made a conscious effort and were the bigger person and apologized for the things you said.

We should be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to get angry. That verse is another hard concept to fully understand. It is very hard to keep our mouths shut, especially in the heat of the moment. At one point or another everyone wants to give someone else a piece of their minds. We have all been there. But it is always better to be the one that keeps your mouth shut in the middle of an argument. If you do that and decide to take the high road and not give the other person leverage over you, then they also can’t use your own words against you later.

It is hard to take and to understand because we don’t always want to benefit others through the words that come out of our mouths. Some days were angry and don’t want to talk nicely to people. Some days it’s easier than others. But isn’t it easier to be the one who is nicer to people than being a jerk to others? Why bring others down when you can be a person who brings others up.
When we are always talking negatively about ourselves, we sill, unfortunately, start to believe the lies we tell ourselves. No matter what others may tell us, we only hear the doubts and the lies that we say to ourselves. You know where that comes from don’t you? It comes from Satan. He wants you to be miserable in life because he is miserable. He doesn’t want you to find joy and happiness in your life. Nor does he want you to speak positively over your life, declaring God’s plan for your life. He wants you to stay in the same broken-down rut of your life.

He wants you to stay in the same place of your mind and believe that you have no purpose, no livelihood, no real drive to go after your dreams and that your friends and family don’t care about you. He wants you to believe any lie that he can make you think of, such as your relationship isn’t going to make it. Don’t believe that him. Trust God and speak those positive life-affirming sayings over yourself. Say things like, “I’m God’s child. I may not understand this pain now, but I know He has a purpose for it.” “I’m God’s child, He saved me, He loves me, and He is with me.” If you speak the word of God and speak from your heart, God will fill your heart soul and mind with His truth and take away the negativity and Satan’s lies.

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