appreciating everything

Happiness is a choice. You have every right to be happy in your life no matter the circumstances. Just like every other emotion. If you’ve never really seemed to be happy in your life, take the time out for yourself to reexamine your lifestyle, your thoughts, words, and even your actions. Figure out why you are unhappy or why you may not be as happy as you used to be. Have you lost sight of the things that are really important in your life? Are you angry at yourself for something that happened a long time ago in your past? Are you unhappy because of a strained relationship or because there is a lack of communication with someone you love? Are you struggling to hear God’s voice and the things He may be and is telling you?  If you are in a place in your life right now where happiness is hard to find and in short supply, rest assured God is with you. He has never let any of His children down and He knows what is best for all of us. God can and is willing to teach us how to find happiness. The truth is, true happiness lies within a relationship with Him. God should be the source of all our happiness and joy. We should long for a relationship with Him. It should bring us joy to start or to continue to build up our relationship with Him.

Look how happy everyone was in the Bible when they knew what Jesus could do in their lives. He taught them how to pray and how to trust God and His promises. We can learn how to be happy and value our happiness through learning more about God daily through reading His word, going to Bible studies and going to church on a regular basis.
Why choose to wallow in our sorrow when there is so much to be thankful for and happy for in our lives. Here is a trick- whenever life gets you down, take a step back and remember everything you have. Everything you have in your life, is a gift from God. Don’t forget to thank Him for the air in your lungs, your friends, your family, your pets, the gadgets you may have in your possession along with everything you need to support your body and life. Look at the difference that you make in people’s lives. When you start thinking of things you are thankful for instead of being upset over the things that you don’t have, life becomes way easier. You are allowed to feel down at times, everyone does. But it is always important to not stay down in the dumps and get back on the feeling of happiness.  Life is too short to wallow in sorrow. If you stay down, you will miss out on so much fun in life. You should experience the joy that this life can bring to you and to the others around you, instead of letting life get you down and keep you down.
You are alive because God knows your purpose. He has amazing plans for your life. That thought, alone, should make you grin from ear to ear. To think that the King of Kings values you and that He has a plan for your life, even when life looks grim, is an amazing thing to try and wrap your brain around.
Look at everything that has gone right in your life thanks to God. You have the job, loyal friends and a good family. You’re able to provide for them and for yourself. You have been given abilities to use for God’s purpose in order to benefit and better the kingdom. Use those abilities to better your life and to be the light in the world for God. We are all called to serve Him and we can each do that in many different ways.
Choose to spread your happiness to others around you by being the light in someone else’s darkness, offering an encouraging word to someone who may need it and helping others before they ask for it. Find something each day that makes you happy, even when all you want to do is complain about stuff. It is healthier to be happy than to be angry. Look at your life each day and find one thing you’re thankful for, such as another day of life, the fact that you get to get out of work early, or the color of the leaves in the summer or fall, the feeling of being able to relax after a hard day’s work, being around friends even while you’re working, spending time with your family and friends, going out for dinner or making dinner at home. It is the simplest things that can make you happy or break your spirit. Choose to embrace the spirit of happiness and you will have a much better life. Choose to embrace the happiness that God offers you in your life. God can do so much more in your life than you can ever imagine.
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