Watchwoman: Extremely graphic pictures are included far below in a separate area and separate from the text.  If you have a weak stomach, stop before the red and blue warning signs or you’re going to need to be near a toilet!  Murder is sickening! ▬ Donna Calvin


Item #1 of 2

A new study from England finds unborn children have the capacity to differentiate touch from pain in the womb and they are able to do so as early as 28-35 weeks into pregnancy. Other studies have shown unborn children can experience pain much earlier.

Conducted by researchers at the University College London, the study found unborn children can feel pain around the 35th week of pregnancy. The scientists determine this by using EEG to record brain activity in response to pain and comparing the responses from a positive touch versus a painful prick in the foot.

“Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from around 35 to 37 weeks gestation — just before an infant would normally be born,” Lorenzo Fabrizi, lead author of the study, told ABC News about the study published in the journal Current Biology.

The babies the researchers evaluated were between the ages of 28 and 35 weeks into pregnancy and they all showed the same increased levels of brain activities to both the touch and painful prick, but the study found babies at 35 weeks gestation has a greater brain activity level to the prick than the touch…

Full story:… [1]


Item #2 of 2

WARNING – GRAPHIC PICTURES FOLLOW – This is what abortion looks like…Of course, it hurts!


If you continue and then complain, you’re a person with a mental problem.  You’ve been warned!




Better stop now!




Final warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!














Post a link to on your blog, web site or forum posts so that other pro-lifers can learn about this resource and/or so that advocates of abortion might be forced to face up to the reality of the evil which they like to call “choice.”——————–
The following abortion videos and slide shows of abortion pictures are shocking. However they do document the truth about abortion and do begin to show how rough abortion procedures are on a woman’s body. Please do not click on the links below unless you are seeking to view sites containing graphic abortion videos and abortion photos. For the pros and cons of using graphic abortion images, click here.The AbortionNO web project – a FLASH presentation of anti-abortion arguments and abortion photos. (Be sure to click on the square in the lower, right-hand corner.)Abortion in Progress – a very graphic photo series of an abortion in progress. These pictures let you see the tools of abortion being used and show, in part, the toll that abortion takes on a woman’s body. Women considering abortion should view these photos if they want to know the truth about the risks of abortion.Silent Scream – a 4-minute video excerpt from this powerful, pro-life video.

Hard Truth – a very graphic abortion video that shows an actual abortion, as well as babies in trash cans and numerous other images of aborted babies. This excellent video and Silent Scream are both available from American Portrait Films.


Click here for more graphic abortion pictures, abortion videos & aborted baby photo posters.


(Credit for the photos herein goes to Priests for LifeThe Center for Bio-Ethical Reform,Operation RescueMissionaries to the and all of those in the pro-life movement who have helped to document the horrors of abortion in pictures by taking photos of aborted babies.)

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