White House press secretary Jay Carney made a bold statement Thursday, declaring “the White House doesn’t create jobs” — a statement out of sync with President Barack Obama’s stated agenda of job growth and boosting the economy.  One day before July’s job numbers were released, Carney was asked why Americans should believe in the White House’s ability to create jobs with a stagnant unemployment rate.  “Well, the White House doesn’t create jobs,” Carney said. “The government together — the White House, Congress — creates policies that allow for greater job creation.”


Yet Carney‘s declaration is at odds with the president’s own words when he first took office about how they were going to use stimulus funds precisely to create millions of jobs. View a mash-up of the president’s conflicting statements via Gateway Pundit below:

Of course, the notion that the federal government itself doesn’t create jobs has always been a belief held by conservatives. Despite all the administration’s past statements to the contrary, could the pressure of the stale economy and gearing up for a reelection bid have caused the White House to shift tracks?

Read more: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/now-carney-admits-the-white-house-doesnt-create-jobs/

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