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A year ago last week – January 30 – Legionary of Christ founder Marcial Maciel died in Houston and was, a few days later, buried in Mexico, rather than the tomb that had been constructed for him in Rome. Over the past week, with more intensity over the weekends, rumblings have been heard about the…

Several years ago, Michael and I wrote a Way of the Cross based on John Paul II’s structure. It was published by Ave Maria Press, and has just been republished by them, with gorgeous new art by, we are honored to say, Michael O’Brien. The illustrations really are beautiful, and we are grateful to both…

After a bit of a break, I’m gearing up for more blogging. For the last year and a half, my head has been fogged up by pre-move, move and post-move stuff as well as sorting through my own sense of what I need to do with my writing. I think I’ve reached a good balance…

There must have been something in the water – both Washington papers carried good articles about Catholics in service to Christ and his people this past weekend. I’ve already  pointed out the piece on A Simple House, which ran in the WaPo magazine The Post did an online discussion with the author and two of…

The Pope addressed the topic of the moment – the Holocaust – in his General Audience today. The full text will not be available for a good while, but AsiaNews reports: The Holocaust remains a warning against the power of evil and all forms of oblivion and negationism, Benedict XVI said today as he expressed…

Okay, American Papist found a MUCH better one!

Four related links which are, in turn, related to frequent themes on this blog: Mark Judge  at the Wa Po  “Just Faith” site called “Just a Catholic.”…on thinking through “liberal” and “conservative” Fr. Robert Barron on “The Next Generation of the Catholic Commentariat” (video)…moving beyond the issues that absorbed those who emerged from the Second…

Williamson is told to stop talking about politics and history. A communique from Bishop Fellay: It has come to our attention that Bishop Richard Williamson, a member of our Society, granted an interview to a Swedish network. In this interview, he also commented on historical issues, especially on the genocide of Jews by the National-Socialist…

The priest is old. Beyond retirement age, but still energetic, it appears. And every time he preaches – every time I have heard him, at least, it always comes around to death. It doesn’t matter what the Gospel or the feast is. Death – its reality, its inevitability, and what Jesus gives us in the…

I want to highlight this: “The key issue with the lifting of the excommunications is to take all possible measures to prevent these prelates from conferring the episcopacy on a new generation of Lefebvrites. No new bishops and the thing dies.” I don’t think Benedict wants the “thing” to die” in terms of the spirituality…

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