Yesterday morning, I rose early – but luckily it seemed far less early because of the time change – and drove across town to have a quick breakfast with Dinesh D’Souza, who was speaking at one of our big megachurches here, called The Chapel. Speaking of course, on his most recent book, What’s So Great About Christianity.

It was great to meet Dinesh, whose first book, The Catholic Classics, he reminded me, was published waaaaay back when by Our Sunday Visitor.  We talked about how this book and his previous book have been received, the experience of debating Christopher Hitchens (the debate can be viewed here.) , Richard Dawkins’ refusal to debate him, his sense of how the various Professional Atheists – Harris, Dawkins, Dennett and Hitchens – are different, and the kind of responses to this contemporary way of atheism that are called for, and the kind of questions people are asking and trying to find answers for.
As I said, it was great to meet him – he is blogging at AOL, and, well….511 comments on a single post? Better him than me!
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