Anyone home here?
Many thanks to the thousands of you who are stopping by, and apologies for the wretched posting. This was the first week everyone was back at school and Michael the Toddler starts his morning preschool routine. My fall project (besides a pamphlet Michael reminded me about last night….grrrr) is a novel, and my head is starting to fill up pretty fast and furious with that. It is the usual inner dynamic, though: Reluctance to sit down and start, just for fear of the process, then, once into it, a veritable flood of stuff as the little world I’m constructing takes shape, tempered with loads of guilt for doing something that has no promise of seeing the light of day outside my own house, especially when the time could be spent on Corporal Works of Mercy, then some consideration of the value of reading to me and to, well, lots of other people and the truth that if I do this well and do it right, it does indeed require a sacrifice of a sort – a poor sacrifice, to be sure, but one that I’m willing to give.

Well, and then it’s 3pm and that’s done for the day.
I’m also trying to go to bed earlier, and it’s working. Last night, I fell asleep about 10:30, I think. I didn’t want to – I had about 20 pages of The Pawnbroker left to go and really wanted to see how it ended, but my eyelids just gave into gravity. Then I woke up about 5, wide awake – totally uncharacteristic of me – and actually considered going and doing my exercise around Foster Park at that point, but it sort of looked like rain and it was, you know,  dark, so I didn’t.
And into this, blogging will fit at some point. It may be nothing more than book blogging, but we’ll see. Again, thanks for stopping by and for your patience, even if it’s only for the blogroll!
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