A few weeks ago, one of the bloggers at Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex commented on Phliip Jenkins’ observation that some forms of Christianity are growing in Europe, and Eurabia might not be inevitable:

I would only add that if the future of Christianity lay in its pentacostalist and charismatic movements, then it has no future at all. These sorts of movements are anti-cultural and aesthetically deadening, even their Catholic variants tend toward an aesthetic stupidity that is anti-Christic. They are iconoclastic expressions of faith (inherently heretical in their manner of worship) appealing to a certain emotionalism that is omnipresent in our barbaric age. They have little lasting value. No culture can take root from them; they are, indeed, anti-sacramental at bottom, and so can only attain a most uneasy mixture with the historic, apostolic faith.

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