You know, when I was in college, I would finish the semester, go home (across town) and basically sleep for two days. A week with no sleep will have that effect. I guess the first day of summer vacation does that to you…even if it’s kindergarten you’ve just left behind:


Of his own free will, this afternoon, collapsed on the couch.

By the way, 25+ years hence, whenever I have anxiety dreams, they are always school dreams. When I was teaching and shortly afterwards, I became the teacher, not the student – and the theme was that it was exam time, I was short on copies of the exams and the copier was broken. But I’m back as a student now, always about to take an exam in a class I didn’t go to. Either accidentally or on purpose. Will I never graduate?!

Update: Well, we have more teacher and student dreams, with musician and mom anxiety dreams added in. (Years ago, when Christopher and David were babies, I would have dreams in which I could hear them crying, but couldn’t get to them. Don’t have that one anymore.). What an interesting collection!

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