
Really great program at St. Joseph’s last night. It was good to see Rocco again, great to meet Grant Gallicho of Commonweal, Bill McGarvey of Busted Halo, Fr. Dan Joyce, SJ, who was instrumental in pulling the program together, as well as others. I’ll post more later, as well as get to the backlog of comments waiting for approval.

(Oh, and how could I forget – well, maybe because you’ve been up since 4:30 AM. Point taken – I also met commentors Clare (who always graces us with such helpful points of information, fleshing out the bare bones I throw up here), Don, and The Lapped Catholic..and a priest who runs a blog..and for the life of me the name of it has escaped me. Father, if you read this, drop me an email and remind me…)

For now, check out Fr. Martin Fox’s blog. He’s doing a survey:

Since my arrival in Piqua, one of the things I’ve asked parishioners to do is to include a bit of Latin in Mass; we’ve used the Latin Agnus Dei and Sanctus, and had an occasional hymn or other prayer in Latin. In conversations with the handful of parishioners who have expressed comments on this, I get the idea that they perceive this to be something very unusual; I suspect some may be saying, "but no one else is doing this."

In fact, quite a few parishes around the country are doing this sort of thing, and a lot more in this vein. For those who care to, they can visit these sites here, and here, for recent posts, where people from around the country and elsewhere report happenings in their parishes. And I know of several parishes in this Archdiocese that are doing as much, or more, and I am confident others, of which I am unaware, are doing likewise.

Still, I got curious–just how many parishes are there, dabbling in this? Rather than wait for someone else to solicit the information, that’s what I’m doing with this post…

If you know of a parish (i.e., it’s either your parish, or you go there regularly) that is using any Latin on a regular basis, or using any Gregorian chant, please post here
. (I’d ask that this not be a place for folks to post opinions pro and con.) I ask that you identify the parish by name, city and diocese. If you can provide a link to a webpage or something else with more information, even better!

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