Bishop Skylstad, president of the USCCB delivered his address. I imagine it will be posted online at some point today. It was a rather institutional, church-y talk, calling for unity, decrying negative tones and coarseness, not just in culture, but especially within the Church, ending with a strong call for re-emphasis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio, took takes a slightly broader view. His address will undoubtedly be put online as well. He covered several general areas, quoting quite generously from Pope Benedict, particularly various addresses he has given to groups of bishops – the Swiss, Irish, and so on.

He began by speaking of "the grace of the place" – Baltimore – and continued to elucidate, in a gently challenging way, what the bishops should bge concerned about. He took a more global view, speaking forcefully of the great need to put Christ "at the center of our prayer, our lives and our pastoral actions." People, he said, are "thirsting" for the authentic proclamation of the Word of God.

Alluding to the role Baltimore has played in the American church’s history, he asked the bishops to model themselves after previous bishops who confronted serious problems. He spoke of evangelization and vocations – critiquing the "pastoral plan" for vocations for lacking intensity and clarity.

He ended by calling the bishops to remember that their job is to strengthen the local church, but to also open up the local church to the universal church. 

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