10 French bishops make their views known:

Réunis, le 25 octobre 2006 à Lons-le-Saunier, dans le cadre de l’Instance Régional Évêques Prêtres, les évêques de la Province ecclésiastique de Besançon et les évêques des diocèses concordataires de Strasbourg et de Metz ont décidé de faire part au Saint-Siège de leurs inquiétudes suscitées par la création de l’Institut du Bon Pasteur, dans l’archidiocèse de Bordeaux, et l’éventualité de la publication d’un Motu proprio du Pape Benoît XVI généralisant l’usage du rite tridentin pour la célébration de la messe.

Les évêques, soucieux du bien commun et de l’unité de l’Eglise, ont pris cette initiative en raison du trouble ressenti par beaucoup de fidèles, de diacres et de prêtres de leurs diocèses respectifs.

Estimant que la liturgie est l’expression de la théologie de l’Eglise, les évêques redoutent que la généralisation de l’usage du Missel romain de 1962 ne relativise les orientations du concile Vatican II. Une telle décision risquerait aussi de mettre à mal l’unité entre les prêtres, autant qu’entre les fidèles.

Depuis de nombreuses années d’importants efforts de formation liturgique ont été réalisés, les évêques s’en réjouissent et encouragent leurs diocésains à poursuivre le travail engagé.

The gist: They’re against the establishment of the Good Shepherd Institute and any "freeing" of the Tridentine Mass. (So…I guess this is more than a rumor?) Unity seems to be the concern, particularly unity among priests, as well as an estimation that the the theology of the 1962 Missal is not consistent with the orientation of Vatican II.

Hermeneutic of Discontinuity?

And…what is this supposed to accomplish? Are they trying to discourage the Pope? Are they saying no matter what the Pope says, they won’t allow it?

Translation, thanks to Blind Squirrel, in the comments:

Meeting on October 25, 2006 at Lons-le-Saunier, under the auspices of the Regional Authority of Bishops and Priests, the bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Besançon and the bishops of the concordative dioceses* of Strasbourg and Metz have resolved to inform the Holy See of their concern aroused by the creation of the Bon Pasteur Institute, in the archdiocese of Bordeaux, and the possibility of the publication of a Motu proprio by Pope Benedict XVI bringing the Tridentine rite into general use for the celebration of the Mass.

The bishops, out of concern for the common good and the unity of the Church, have taken this initiative in response to the disquiet felt by many of the faithful, the deacons and the priests of their respective dioceses.

Considering as they do that the liturgy is the expression of the Church’s theology, the bishops fear that the entry into general use of the Roman Missal of 1962 will call into question the direction taken by the second Vatican Council. Such a decision also has the potential to cause harm to the unity existing between priests, no less than that between the faithful.

Over the course of many years, important liturgical development efforts have been carried out. The bishops rejoice in these and encourage the people of their dioceses to follow up the work that has been begun.


This post from a couple of days ago, particularly the comment from the Roamin’ Roman

This post I linked to earlier today from Blog-by-the-Sea

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