Some brief hits:

The new Apocalypto trailer – gotta say, I’m intrigued…

Marriage and the Law: A Statement of Principles via Rob Vischer at Mirror of Justice

Also via MOJ, news of a Focolare event this weekend in Hungary:

In 1956, Pius XII reacted with the Hungarian Uprising with a cry for "volunteers of God" who would commit themselves to working for the transformation of society.  For the Focolare Movement this event became the initial seed of the "volunteers of God," people who are commited to living the Gospel’s "revolution" in the many dimensions of social and cultural life.  To mark the 50th anniversary this Saturday September 16 over 11,000 people from 92 countries will gather in Budapest for an international event to celebrate and strengthen this commitment.

Mike Aquilina with another interesting post on archaelogical work exploring the early Roman-India trade routes

Rod Dreher on a Melanie Phillips column: How Britain is Turning Christianity into a Crime

Mollie at Get Religion on the TIME cover piece on prosperity preaching (when I blogged on their "photo essay," I didn’t know it was part of a cover package – which is not available online, btw)

Ted Olsen at CT Weblog remarks on the same piece. General consensus: it’s good that the TIME piece got other evangelicals to critique prosperity preaching. CT also notes:

Time‘s cover story, "Does God Want You to Be Rich?" makes no reference to the National Baptist Convention, but it’s worth noting that the black denomination spent much of its annual convention last week attacking the prosperity gospel. "Black communities are suffering, while this prosperity-pimping gospel is emotionally charging people who are watching their communities just literally dissolve," Friendship West Baptist Church pastor Frederick Haynes told Dallas’s WFAA.

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