Captain Yips posts a helpful summary of the "Piskie Wars" up to this point, with links, explanations and begins this way:

I’m still getting a flow of readers from Open Book, and I’ve been wondering how I might help them with the oddities of Episcopal behavior and polity.  I thought for a while about creating An Episcopal Taxonomy, but decided that would not only be complicated, but incomplete.  The EpiscoSpeak Dictionary is bogged down over “Diverse Center,” which I think means "everyone I can get to agree with me,” but might mean “I am the center, and diverse people agree with me;” I am not sure.  So I thought that a very brief outline might help those outside ECUSA/TEC as they sort through this train wreck.

Did it all begin in 2003 when Gene Robinson was elected Bishop of Vermont?  No, not by a long shot, but that is when the pot, long a-simmer, began to boil.

By the end of the millennium, it had become obvious that Cap’n Griswold was taking Starship ECUSA on a voyage to Planet Silly.  The course had been laid in and executed before anyone realized what was happening, and they weren’t sure anyway what was going on.  The mind numbing qualities of FrankSpeak were just becoming obvious.  Nonetheless, plenty of Episcopalians decided that they weren’t about to wear a red shirt for Frank, and they began looking for escape pods.  At the same time, some Anglicans overseas began to wonder what was going on.  ECUSA was a supersaturated colloid, waiting for the precipitating event.  The event was Gene Robinson.

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