Reader Andrea sends this. I’m just going to quote her letter because she puts it perfectly:

Let me see if I have this straight. First we promote "choice" and the number of babies being born drops. Now the European population is aging — no babies has a way of doing that — and someone figures out that there won’t be enough workers to support the older population.

The answer, of course, is easy: more IVF so there will be more babies. IVF could ease "population woes" –

"It is important to plan ahead and address the social and economic consequences of the declining birth rate and with more couples leaving it until later to start their family, more will experience fertility problems." "These couples are in a position to make a difference and we need to provide more funding for ART to help them overcome the problems they may encounter."

Benefits of fertility treatment outweigh costs :

The benefits of providing free fertility treatments to couples could far outweigh the costs to the government , according to new research reported on Tuesday. Professor William Ledger, a fertility expert at the University of Sheffield, looked at the average cost of producing a baby through in-vitro fertilisation and the benefit to the government over the person’s lifetime. He and a group of mathematicians and economists used a modelling exercise and calculated that for the average 13,000 pounds it costs to produce a child through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) the government would recoup 143,000 pounds in taxes alone. "Helping people with infertility have children is not just a benefit to themselves and their families but also to society," he told a news conference.

Let’s not forget the fact that these will, science assures us, be perfect babies, too.

And if the European countries won’t cooperate, let them come to us.

Last link, courtesy of Rich Leonardi

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