In which we re-open, for one Sunday, our semi-continuing feature asking readers to post their experiences of Mass attendance today (and last night).

The tone: Not critical, unless containing yourself would bring on an aneurysm. Just reporting – our readers always like to see what’s going on around the country and around the world. Focus: Homily, music and anything "extra." Did the Scouts dominate the liturgy? Did the bishop overtake the pulpit? What?

The reason for reviving this revered tradition? It’s Respect Life Sunday (USCCB materials at the link – several very good articles in the book this year. I’ll say that I’ve not seen those books available in parishes for years. ) and I received this note from a reader:

Our priest spoke about families all being vinyards – making up collectively the vinyard of God & how parents have to mold their little olive plants around the table to stand before God.
After Mass I told the priest that I had worked 30 years to stop abortion and that this is Respect Life Sunday and he hadn’t said anything.  I also mentioned that we know many women who have had abortions and that our young people need to hear about it from the pulpit.  I spoke as kindly as possible and Fr. nodded solemnly.
My husband spoke to him next and said the petition had been for our legislators to respect life from conception to natural death.  But, my husband said, the baby killing will not be stopped in the government but here in the parish – where respect for life begins. He told Fr. he had said nothing about it on Respect Life Sunday. Fr. said my husband should take it up with the pastor.  My husband said Fr. doesn’t need permission to defend life. 
I emailed a pro-life friend.  In her parish, the priest had spoken about a man who had walked from Guatamala to PA to raise money for a town that had lost its water supply due to an earthquake.  He then said the Bishops of FL had asked the priests to promote life.  Period. He did say he counted the number of ministries in the parish.  35.  My friend says none are Respect Life.  (my friend is quite active in a PCC and other pro-life activities.)….
I know, Amy, we the laity have a huge responsibility to protect the unborn and end abortion.  But our priests for the most part blow off Respect Lilfe Sunday and  the silence from the pulpit on abortion is deafening the other 51 Sudays of the year. I find myself asking why the majority of our priests don’t care about the unborn and don’t love them. I have no answers.
In the parish we attended: one of the prayers of the faithful concerned respecting life. That’s all.


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