…or help your kids, friends and acquaintances.

Michael’s doing a 30-day appeal. Here’s the gist, go read his blog for more…

Starting today, I’m asking the readers of this blog and Amy’s Open Book to consider buying one copy of her excellent book Here. Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life.and of my How To Get The Most Out Of The Eucharist–two books that can help you or your Catholic friends find true joy by deepening their relationship with God as Catholics.

Too much of the time we complain about our faith, I believe this is the "weeds" or "tares" sown by the enemy. Both books that Amy and I have written come out of the struggle of trying to focus on the Word sown by Our Lord and not that of the enemy.

If you already own a copy of both books, thank you. I’m sure you have found them to be both challenging and an excellent way to get more from your Faith no matter what the enemy may sow in your path. Please consider buying another copy of both to give as a gift to your Catholic friends, you might even consider organizing a study group built around both books.

We often complain about Catholics not buying books but I have found that one of the reasons that Catholics fail where other Christians don’t is that Catholic authors often hide their light under a basket. I confess to doing this myself.

Amy and I both believe we have written two books that speak to the angst that daily appears all over the Catholic blogdom.

At the end of the thirty-day period Amy and I will donate whatever royalties we earn from the sales of these books to Food for the Poor. We will keep you abreast of how much there is to donate daily!

Thank you and may God bless you!

(And let’s see what we can do with those Amazon rankings…this should be interesting to watch)

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