In a comment below, someone posted a link to the accounts of the Partial-Birth Abortion trials, being monitored by the American Center for Law and Justice.

Go here and click on “Jay’s PBA Trial Notebook” in the upper right.

You’re especially encouraged to consider the questioning of Judge Casey, of whom one commentor writes:

…the really astounding thing about the PBA cases and those very pointed questions about “sucking the baby’s brains out” is that they are not primarily being asked by the DOJ lawyers but by Judge Richard Conroy Casey, the judge presiding over the PBA case in the Southern District of New York.

He’s also closely questioned abortionists under oath about fetal anomalies and whether there is any test that would allow one to determine whether a child would be born blind.

Judge Casey is blind.

It’s getting a total news blackout in NY. The Times is pretending the trial isn’t happening right here in Manhattan and prefers to report about Dr. Carhart in Lincoln, NE.

BTW, Judge Casey was appointed by Clinton.

Judge Casey is a hero. I bet Bill rues the appointment

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