We looked at this a few weeks ago, but my son passed it on to me, not knowing I’d already read it. It’s been revised and tightened, and is still worth looking at, for I think the anti-Catholicism in it has been heightened and intensified since the last time I read it.

Let God Be True on The Passion

The movie is an audio-visual Catholic catechism. It is a two-hour commercial for Catholicism; and ignorant Evangelicals, Protestants, and Baptists are flocking to it like the children of Hamelin to the Pied Piper. Pastors, fearing for their jobs and obsessed with popularity, feed the frenzy with adoring endorsements. God prophesied by Amos of a famine for the words of the Lord, and we are in it (Amos 8:11). Christianity, that once demanded, “Thus saith the Lord,” now flocks to a Catholic picture show!

The movie says nothing against Catholicism. No wonder Catholics are crazy about the movie. The movie says nothing against indulgences, priests, the Mass, baptismal regeneration, St. Anne, celibacy, the Rosary, popes, flattering titles, Mary worship, sacraments, the Inquisition, infant sprinkling, superstition, perpetual virginity, relics, fish on Friday, the confessional, icons, the Immaculate Conception, and numerous other abominations that Jesus and His apostles preached against.

I guess they wouldn’t like what these evangelicals are up to

At Teen Mania’s rally in Indianapolis on April 2-3, President Ron Luce will challenge youth to use the movie for pre-Easter outreach.

“I think it will be as big as 9/11’s impact on churchgoing,” Luce said before the film opened. “It’s so shocking that people will wonder, What have I been doing? Why have I not been in church?”

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