Here’s a comment string from the last post that might be interesting…

Confused and Hurting Sinner writes,

most of the previous comments seem somewhat educated albeit cold
& clincal. To me the elephant in the room that everyone seemed to
ignore is a person that is transgender or no discernible gender is
still a feeling, loving, human even if not treated like one by society.

They are not a tree, rock or animal. they want to be cared about &
cherished by God & others the same as everyone else. try to put
yourself in there place. you are born you basically look like other
children in most aspects its just your diaper fits differently &
your emotions & thoughts don’t line up with your peers maybe you
don’t care on the outside or maybe you show it but either way it scars.
you have to live your whole existence fitting no where. even the every
day thing of need a restroom presents real & painful challenges.
now cliches about rocks & trees because that doesn’t matter one
iota to this person all they want to know is can they have friends,
dreams, ambitions, & a relationship with God. if your this person
do you want to hear theological mumbojumbo or existential theoretical
ramblings? or do you just want to here your loved, cared about, &
valued?? think on that please & contemptible what you would want to
here & try to respond to others the same way because you never know
who your talking to.

John G responds,

Dear confused & hurting sinner, Lisandgirls,

Please understand that the Christian Worldview does not classify a
homosexual based on who s/he is personally, rather, what s/he does
sexually. It is the act of same-sex sexual activity that distinguishes
homosexuals from heterosexuals and has nothing to do with the person.
This distinction must be clear and accepted as clear if any fruitful
discussion is to take place in this conversation.

This gives us the basis for which we can love the sinner despite the
sin. This applies to us only, not to God (he hates the sinner and the
sin, not just the sin). With this knowledge, it is an act of love to
make known God’s position on this to the homosexual and demonstrate
kindness, patience, and understanding in the process.

To which I reply,

John G,

This post, and the comments to which you refer, do not refer
to homosexual sex. This post is about those who are “intersex” or
“hermaphroditic” — they do not fall into the categories of “male” or
“female,” and, indeed, those categories are not as discreet as many of
us would like to believe.

According to you (or the Bible), who are those people allowed to have sex with?

Anyone care to venture an answer? (Let me just guess that a lot of sexually active heterosexual Christians will say they should stay celibate…)

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