Adam has convened a great conversation at Pomomusings called Plurality 2.0. My friend, Phillip Clayton posted last week.  Money quote:

I’m guessing that most readers of this post in fact already live in
Pluralism 2.0. If you’re one of those people, interwoven identities is

second-nature to you, like the air we breathe. Of course our Christian
identities are not rigid and fully definable in “essentialist” fashion.
All important identities weave their roots in, around, and through
everything that we are. Does this mean that we have to listen really
hard to understand another’s identity? Yes. Does it make judging
others, whatever labels they use of themselves, more difficult? You
better believe it. Does Pluralism 2.0 make us relativists who could
never be Jesus’ disciples with our entire heart, soul, strength, and
mind? By no means! (If I had another post, I would walk through the
major moments in Jesus’ ministry when he showed incredible awareness of
the complexity of human identities, like John 4, Luke 7, and Luke 10.)

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