Now that we’re into a New Year you might start re-thinking your resolutions and ambitions for 2017

This is about the time you might start making excuses to give up on some of the goals you set. It’s common. Millions of people give up on their goals before they even get started.

However, there are 12 full months and before you pack it in remember why you made your resolutions or why you set your goals.

Don’t accept the excuses.

If you have any doubts, push them aside and avoid saying: “I’ll start tomorrow.”

This is not the time to put things off. Now is the time to make those changes, achieve those goals and fulfill your resolutions.

Now is the time to take control of your life and make this a fantastic year.

Today you start your new life.

Today you make those changes.

Today you achieve your goals.

Today you succeed.

Today you start directing your subconscious mind and to create the life you want.

Today you get your subconscious mind working for you.

If those doubts creep in, if you feel like giving up tell yourself: “This is the year I get things done.”

“This is my year.”

“This is the year I succeed.”

“This is my best year ever”

What ever it is you want to achieve, you can when you have your subconscious mind working for you.

If you want to make more money, meet the right person, lose weight, improve your health, grow your business, get a new job, what ever it is you want to achieve, you can because this is your year.

Forget about last year and the years before.

Forget about the failures, they don’t matter.

This is a fresh start.

Think about what you want and start achieving your goals today.

This time you will succeed.

Because this time you’re getting your subconscious mind working to bring you the success you want and deserve.

You want to succeed, you want to achieve your goals, and you want to improve your life.

The only way you can guarantee your success is to get your subconscious mind working for you.

That means you have to believe that you can and will get what you want.

Think about getting what you want and achieving your goals When the negative thoughts come get rid of them.

Those negative thoughts are the thoughts that say:

You can’t succeed.

You’re not good enough.

You don’t know how.

You’ll never succeed.

Things will never get better.

What’s the point…

Any thought that doesn’t allow you to succeed, or doesn’t allow you to even try is a negative thought.

And if you have any negative thoughts, then you have negative or limiting beliefs that support them.

Those limiting or negative beliefs will eventually win and will force you to stop, give up or put things off for another year.

That’s not good enough. Not anymore.

So today you get rid of those negative thoughts.

If you don’t then any hope for success, any resolutions, and any desire to change or improve your life is just wishful thinking.

Your thoughts, and beliefs are planted on your subconscious. Your subconscious follow your thoughts and beliefs.

It creates your life based on what you think and believe.

What you think and believe is what you get.

You may want to lose weight but if you don’t think and believe you can – you won’t.

You may want to make more money or get a better job, but if you don’t think and believe you can – you won’t.

Your subconscious creates your life by following your thoughts and beliefs.

So if you want to succeed, if you want to enjoy life, if you want to live the life you want then you have to

direct your mind and subconscious mind to create exactly what you want.

Give it the right instructions and you’ll succeed.

Don’t make this another year where you start with the best intentions but never get anywhere.

Make 2017 your best year ever.

This is the year you succeed.

This is the year you direct your subconscious mind to create the success, happiness, and the life you really want.

This is the year you to take charge and achieve your goals.

Start today – start telling your subconscious mind exactly what you want.

Start creating the thoughts and beliefs that bring you exactly what you want.

Give your subconscious mind the right directions by taking control of your thoughts and beliefs

This year you will succeed.

This time you will get what you want.

This time you’re directing your subconscious mind to bring you what you want.

Believe in yourself.

Get rid of those negative thoughts.

Create beliefs that allow you to succeed.

Get your mind and subconscious mind working for you today and make 2017 your best year ever

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