When it comes to attracting and manifesting one of the most common things I hear is: “I asked, I believed but I never received. Why not? This doesn’t work!”Asking and believing are crucial to manifesting but there’s an important step in the process that most people miss or fail to take.

The Missing Step

It’s action. That’s right, you actually have to take action and do something to help you manifest or attract what you desire.

This action is inspired action; it’s the right action and not just any actions. You especially want to avoid doing the same things that haven’t yielded any results.

Instead, to take the right, inspired action you should be open to any and all possibilities and consider doing things you thought wouldn’t work, wouldn’t help or even didn’t feel right.

For example: if you want to meet the right person and you’ve been trying dating sites and not having any luck then maybe you need to take a break from that action and try another approach. That doesn’t mean you give up on the dating sites. Instead, you look for other ways to meet the right partner.

Now usually when I make that suggestion I get the following comment: “Karim, I’ve tried everything, nothing works.”

Really? You’ve tried everything? That’s not possible. Instead, you’ve tried everything you know. You now need to learn what you don’t know. You need to think about other ways to achieve your goal.

So how do you learn what you don’t know? Or how do you take actions when you don’t know what to do?

This is actually a lot easier than you think.

Taking The Right Actions

You can simply look to others who have achieved the goal you want to achieve and ask them what they did. Chances are they did something that you haven’t done or are not willing to do – and that may be the only difference.

Tap into your higher power for additional guidance. Yes, your higher power can guide you and help you discover the inspired action you should take to succeed. But, in order to recognized this guidance you need to pay attention to the messages you receive and be open to any and all possibilities.

To tap into your higher power for guidance simply ask it for guidance. Instead of saying you don’t know what to do or that you’ve tried everything, use a different approach.

Ask your higher power for guidance. Simply say something like the following: “My higher power (or what ever you want to call this power) I want some help. I’m trying to (name your goal) and I want to know what I should do to achieve this goal. I want to know what actions I should take and I want to take the right actions. So please guide me and show me what I should do to (state your goal).”

Once you’ve done that continually think about what you can do to help you achieve your goals.

Pay attention to messages you get from your higher power or the universe. At first you may not notice anything or you may even think you’re not getting any messages. The messages will come, just be patient.

When they do arrive you need to explore all possibilities and don’t say things like: “That won’t work.”

Don’t convince yourself you know what will or won’t work and don’t ever think you know everything or you’ve tried everything.

If you really did know everything or if you had tried everything you would have succeeded by now.

Your higher power is always at work always trying to guide you. However, you do need to ask it for help and it will help – you just have to pay attention and recognize when it’s sending you a message.

So by all means ask and believe, and then take inspired action. Do all three and follow what I outlined and you’ll succeed a lot sooner.


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