The Celebrity Therapist

Many people know someone who is a narcissist. The American Psychological Association has listed narcissistic personality disorder or NPD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders since 1968. While there are relatively few diagnoses made, leading researchers estimate around 1% of all adults show symptoms Narcissism is more than just run of the…

Most people have at least one person in their life who seems to be in the same horrible, dead-end relationship over and over again, but the partner seems to change. Upon a closer look, it is as if the individual is attracted to only one personality type and one that is very negative, destructive and uncaring. Each relationship…

It is very reasonable for anyone to want to have their ideas, choices, achievements, or even their opinions validated by those around them. After all, what is the first thing we do as children when we accomplish something? We look to our parents for recognition (validation) that we did a good thing. Validation is part…

As a psychotherapist and life coach specializing in addiction recovery, I am frequently asked by family members what they should or should not do. Often family members are worried that taking a particular action or even making a specific statement to the addict in recovery can create the risk of a relapse or may somehow…

Most people have had moments of being embarrassed and perhaps even humiliation in their lives. This is usually a result of doing something we see as foolish or wrong, or perhaps even unethical and unsavory. It is not about the act of doing something wrong; it is the way we perceive the action and how…

One of the benefits, and also the potential pitfalls, of the always connected, always in-touch lifestyle people lead today is the ability to connect with people very easily and literally 24/7/365. A new friend or a potential partner could be just one social media post away, or you may meet someone on a trip to the…

Often, people have noticed a pattern in their life, where relationships that seem ideal quickly become toxic and partners that seemed like Mr. Right soon become Mr. Impossible. The reality for many people is that codependency is often difficult to identify. Many codependents are professionals and very good at what they do, as long as they are…

If you don’t know what a codependent relationship is, it’s when two people in a relationship surrender their independence and develop an unhealthy dependence on each other. In this dynamic one partner is so obsessed with the needs of the other, that they ignore their own needs. In turn, the other partner controls the relationship in a…

One of the common thoughts people have about the Law of Attraction in recovery is that it is a passive type of process. They would like to believe that it will involve just reading a few books or blogs and thinking good thoughts to get their life back on track and to avoid addictive behaviors…

Can you think back to a time when you were involved in some type of activity, perhaps at work or school, where you were trying to achieve a goal, but the goal was of little personal importance? Perhaps you were doing something a partner was passionate about or maybe it was something your boss required…

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