A user named Mike, who describes himsefl as a fertility specialist who has kids of his own through in vitro fertilization, passionately attempts to rebut the IVF opponents commenting on my post about the Vatican statement. First, he notes that those choosing this procedure “are not people having a cosmetic procedure on a whim, because it’s trendy or fashionable. They have desparately tried to have children by natural means, the way nature intended. But it has not worked.”
Second, he argues that many of the “discarded” embryoes would not have been viable and that those that are treated with “incredible care.”
Finally, he suggests that the concern for the accidental taking of a “life” (the embryo) seems selective or hypocritcal given our posture on other issues:.

Cigarette smokers and alcohol users are murderers too. They are slowly poisoning their systems with toxins that are PROVEN to cause illness and disease. Second hand smoke causes just as much illness as smoking yourself. Alcohol causes liver disease and hypertension. How about overeating and obesity…i wonder how many believers that IVF is murder are Obese, drink alcohol regularly, or smoke? Well, you are slowly murdering yourselves (and possibly others) with these habits…you are just doing it over 25 years rather than in an instant, as with suicide. But you probably will never nit-pick over those habits, if you enjoy alcohol, tobacco, and overeating.

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