A new ABC News/Washington Post poll indicates that evangelicals seem to be at the heart of the Republican get out the vote (GOTV) efforts. 29 percent of white evangelicals say they’ve been contacted by a friend or family member about supporting McCain.
A worrisome sign for Republicans: the contact rate for peak Democratic groups is higher than for peak Republican groups:

Fifty-eight percent of African-Americans, 45 percent of voters under age 30 and 42 percent of Democrats say a friend or family member has asked them to support Obama. For McCain, such appeals have peaked among Republicans, 35 percent; evangelical white Protestants, 29 percent; and conservatives, also 29 percent.

So much attention has been focused on the magnificence of the Obama ground game, I was surprised to see that according to an ABCNews/Washington Post poll, the Republican effort is relatively strong: 26% of Americans have been contacted by the Obama campaign and 21% by the McCain. The poll indicated that the Obama campaign is a bit better at contacting their own supporters.

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