With so many Easter baskets full of candy, it will be hard to not to over do the sugar high that comes along with marshmallow eggs and chocolate bunnies.  If you don’t like sweets, you are truly blessed because most of us struggle to do it in moderation.  My husband can eat a whole bag of candy in one sitting.  It might take me a few days, but the result is the same.  Our bodies need good food to keep it it good shape.  If we do all things in moderation, our lives will be well rounded and pleasing to God.

Philippians 4:5 tells us, “Let your moderation(self-control) be known unto all men.”  Candy and sugary treats are only one area where many of us struggle with self-control.  There are many things that are not evil in and of themselves, but when done in excess they become sin.  They also become harmful to our bodies and our relationships.

There is no mandate in God’s word that says, “Thou shall not smoke”, but was all know that smoking causes many health issues, not to mention that it just makes you stink.  There are many Christians who believe that an occasional alcoholic drink is harmless.  God’s word says only that we should not be  not be drunk.

We can be excessive in many things.  Sports are one area where Americans go overboard.  There is is no harm in watching a few games on TV or at the stadiums, but when it controls your life, it has become sin.  Some think that the television is and evil invention.  I think it fine as long as we choose the right programing and don’t spend all day in front of it.

Anything can become an obession to us.  That is why it’s important to practice self control.  Whether it’s too much TV or too many chocolate bunnies, the excess is what causes us to sin.

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