Do you ever get distracted?  I sure do.  When ever I have something important to do for the the Lord, there are twenty other things demanding my attention.  Our society moves so quickly, that before we know it we can be caught up into a totally different project.  I’m not saying that many of these are not good and wholesome ventures, but if they are not what God has directed us to do, they become a distraction.

     We all lead very busy lives. We have jobs and family, church obligations and recreation.  Many people are vying for our attention.  Unfortunately when we do too many things at once, nothing gets done well.  We can’t be focused in several directions at the same time.  I know we can multi-task in some areas, in order to be more productive, but where do we draw the line?

  I cringe when I realize that I haven’t spoken to my friend for months, just because I can’t find the time to call.  We have friends and relatives who live nearby and yet we don’t get together because we are either too busy or too tired to spend time on fellowship.  How sad.  We all have many wonderful people in our lives that we neglect to connect with because it is just “one more thing to do”.

     What does Jesus say our focus should be?  That’s what we need to pursue.  Of course first and foremost should be our relationship with Jesus.  Then comes family; not just bring home a paycheck, but really being a close knit group of people who dwell in the same place.  Our ministries, church duties, and social activities should come after that.  If we are too busy to spend time with our children, no matter how old they are, WE ARE TOO BUSY.  If we can never find time to visit with friends or even encourage a stranger, WE ARE TOO BUSY.

     When we pass from this world to the next we can’t take our stuff with us.  We can’t retain our titles and promote our organazations when we sit with Jesus.  We won’t be carrying our leather bound day planner into Heaven.  What we can take with us are the souls of our children.  We will be recognized for our encouraging words or how we fed the poor.  We might even earn a star or two for our crown, if we have led others to Jesus.

     Let’s keep our focus.  Satan loves a Christian who is too busy to do the work of Jesus.  We can be overwhelmed with good projects and completely miss God’s calling.  Let’s all spend some time in prayer and find out just what it is that God wants our focus to be.




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