What if today you decided to really enjoy yourself? Is that a weird concept to you? If you feel every day is a struggle, why not look at it like this…that idea of “I can finally enjoy myself when…A. I lose this weight. B. My business is where I want it to be. C. I’m out of debt. D. My kids are grown up.” Or insert any reason you feel is a reason for struggle. What if that was just a story you’re telling and think you have to stick to? What if you could change the story? 

The paragraph above was my post on Facebook this morning that lead to me checking my notifications and see some sponsored ads for marketing, business, and branding….and got me thinking…what do I know?  Which led to this…

Raising my hand here in the classroom and saying what many are thinking…”Marketing is overwhelming. There is so much information it can feel like you’re on the treadmill too fast and info is flying on past. You think you know stuff and then you read something on a blog or a sponsored ad on Facebook and ya kinda just want to get up and walk out of the classroom.”

This does not mean bombard me with your services. This does not mean I don’t want to learn. This just means I forget to have fun sometimes. Life is too short to hurt my brain with business and hit my head against a brick wall. I won’t market or do anything like anyone else but me. I do need help and I’m getting clearer on that, but I choose who it will be. They must “get” me and believe in my mission, skills, and awesomeness and vice versa. And that in the age of social media, I value authenticity versus just smoke-and mirrors, 24/7.

I am a very positive person, but I like to keep it real.  I need to remind myself of my own advice at times, which is what every coach should remember as well. No matter what you are working on, whether weight loss, business, relationships, self-growth, etc. take a deep breath.  You’re doing fine.  My post from yesterday which I needed today.  Perfect timing.

Be laser focused on your goals, building your business and brand, increasing customers/clients, and increasing your prosperity. But really be precision-ninja-attention aimed at joy. Follow that. Not just quick happy, but lighter and deeper. Joy activates your brilliance and sends a Bat signal to the Universe…”Gimme some more, Dude. I love you. Thanks!” Joy attracts people like a sacred magnet. Souls know energy and want to feel good.

So today, do just that.  Joy is a YES!  Go with your gut.  Your feelings are your guide.  Trust that.  Beyond the noise of the world, look for what the Universe and your soul is trying to tell you. Feelings and emotions are a compass.  They are not a steadfast truth, but an evolving one. You can tap into that knowing when you forget what everyone else is saying for a while. Namaste & blessings. 


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