
Do you avoid these? What if your fear of feeling them was actually controlling you? What if you could be aware you don’t like to feel them, but you do? That you would like to feel the opposite. What the opposite might technically be the polar extreme of the other, but to you, it’s different.

Like anger versus peace.
Are you numbing yourself so you don’t feel any of these?
Is it the end of the world to feel something?
Once felt, could it move on through you and out of your being?

Were you ever afraid to express emotion as a kid?  Did someone make you wrong for your feelings?  Were you made to feel there are certain safe emotions?  Did you think you always had to be happy?  Or was there only happy, sad, and mad?  Are you cut off from your emotions where you can’t really put a name to them, but you just feel off?  Acknowledging them doesn’t solidify them, making them real, but rather frees them.  Once you know what you feel, you can decide whether you want to keep that emotion or not?  Could you actually shift your emotion to a more positive one?  What are your vibe raisers once you allow that stuck “bad” emotion to be heard?

I’ve written about mine before.  Music, cooking, and getting dollied-up are three of mine.  I also know that when I help others, I definitely raise my vibe too.  As a life coach, I uplift, empower, and inspire.  If I don’t raise my energy and feel bad for my client or even a customer of Beach Body (which I sell and help peeps lose weight), I can’t help anyone.  If someone feels these emotions and I feel them as well, playing in the victim place, I can’t help anyone. From that space, it’s tight and small.  If I can stay in my center and look at higher consciousness where other possibilities are, expansion happens.  You can still be compassionate about someone’s woes and not get sucked into the negative energy.  I know with myself, it’s always the question…where’s my point of power?  If I’m playing victim, be it with my kids or with circumstances, I have no power.  But what do we always have the power to do?  Think differently.

We feel a crappy emotion or feeling.

We get to choose how to feel after that.  We get to shift.  We get to ask…what do I want?  What do I really, truly want?  What am I seeking?  What am I looking for?  What brings me peace?  What brings me joy?  What brings me a feeling of love?  Is it possible to decide to feel those. Try it.

Think about peace.  Can you feel it?  Can you tap  into peace?  In that split second, you felt it.  You see it can grow with focus and attention.  So the next time you feel chaos within, anger, frustration, ask yourself where peace is within you.  I find I’m often really seeking peace in any moment.  That feeling of centeredness that flows with love in my soul unencumbered.  Feelings and emotions are just telling us where we are at in the moment.  They hold no power.  We do.

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