I’m going to turn off comments on this entry because any threads having to do with homosexuality always end up going crazy. Still, I want to note an important cultural milestone, and I mean that non-snarkily: for the first time in Gallup’s polling, a clear majority of Americans find homosexual relations to be morally acceptable — 52 percent to 43 percent. This trend has been developing for a long time, and Gallup sees it continuing:

There is a gradual cultural shift under way in Americans’ views toward gay individuals and gay rights. While public attitudes haven’t moved consistently in gays’ and lesbians’ favor every year, the general trend is clearly in that direction. This year, the shift is apparent in a record-high level of the public seeing gay and lesbian relations as morally acceptable. Meanwhile, support for legalizing gay marriage, and for the legality of gay and lesbian relations more generally, is near record highs.

Even The New York Times, which runs gay-themed stories to a nearly obsessive degree, was moved the other day to publish a piece about how nobody cares anymore when celebrities come out of the closet. Again, I’m not interested in arguing on this blog about whether this is good news or bad news, but I do want to point out that the Gallup result is news, and pretty important news at that. The times are decisively changing, for better or for worse.
(Via Sullivan).

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