“Plastic surgery has everything to do with how a person feels about him or herself. There’s no such thing as too much.” Joan Rivers.
Gawker is right: How come people still keep getting plastic surgery? Excerpt:

Call me naive, but so much noise has been made lately about plastic surgery disasters — a conversation resurrected from the ’90s after a brief lull, it feels — that I’m just staggered that so many people, women especially, are subjecting themselves to the possibilities of, at best, having their faces ending up looking like mangled Laffy Taffy and, at worse, contracting fatal butt fall-offitis.
Watching the Oscars on Sunday, there were some celebrities who have maybe gotten work and pulled it off — Kathryn Bigelow, at 59, can’t possibly look that good naturally, can she? — but those cases were very rare. Mostly, even in Hollywood circles that can afford the most expensive and exclusive doctors, you get Nicole Kidmans and Meg Ryans. Once-beautiful women who now look like sad, Twilight Zone wax versions of themselves.

Ain’t it the truth. I see plastic surgery on women (at least the obvious kind) as being like men who wear hairpieces: you’re not fooling anybody, and if you’re doing it just to look younger (as opposed to needing it to correct a real problem), unless it’s a really spectacular (i.e., natural-looking) piece of work, everybody’s going to know that you’re so insecure you go in for surgery to alter your appearance. I just don’t understand this. After a certain point, the farther down this road you go, the more freakish it becomes — and the greater a commentary on your inner state. Right, Joan Rivers? I mean, honestly, no matter how saggy your 76-year-old face might be, at least it would be real

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