What is up with Obama and doctors? Does he really think a doctor isn’t going to treat diabetes because he/she isn’t getting paid enough? Why mention the $30,000 a surgeon gets for amputating a foot (is it really that much?) when speaking of the primary care physician? It’s not like the primary care physician is getting a take of the surgeon’s and hospital’s fees, so he doesn’t have a monetary reason for not treating the patient. I could see if he blamed amputations on lack of healthcare insurance but to imply that it’s lack of compensation to the primary care physician is ludicrous. BTW, it’s pretty clear that Obama packed his town hall meeting with supporters, even this cute little eleven-year-old turned out to be the daughter of a contributor. I don’t think he gains anything by such a scripted event.Another btw, talk about astroturfing, he’s a Congressman who is having a healthcare rally outside his district at the Hicksville office of SEIU, having canceled all in-district meetings. Update via: A fact check of Obama’s town hall meeting (in the sidebar). He wasn’t telling the whole truth. Shocking!

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