You’d have to define the term “art” very loosely for this to qualify:

A publicly funded exhibition is encouraging people to deface the Bible in the name of art — and visitors have responded with abuse and obscenity.
The show includes a video of a woman ripping pages from the Bible and stuffing them into her bra, knickers and mouth.
The open Bible is a central part of Made in God’s Image, an exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art (Goma) in Glasgow. By the book is a container of pens and a notice saying: “If you feel you have been excluded from the Bible, please write your way back into it.”
“Any offensive things that have been written are not the point of the work,” he said. “It was an open gesture. Are those who say they are upset offended by the things that people write, or just by the very notion that someone should write on a Bible?”

No one should be surprised there is this level of hatred toward the word of God, especially in post-Christian England. There is a deep, visceral hatred toward God in society right now and it’s not surprising when it’s expressed in this way. The church invited it by leaving the pen next to the Bible and encouraging people to say what they really thought of it. And since inside each of us is the desire to rebel against our maker, it came out in all it’s darkness and profanity.

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