According to a report in a Japanese paper. Wouldn’t that be an act of war? What do you think Obama is going to do if one of the Hawaiian islands is hit (the range of the missile is 4,000 miles but the the mainland is 4,500 miles, it would only reach one of the islands). They intend to launch the missile between July 4 and 8.
Of course, we all know that if Bush were still our president, North Korea wouldn’t be stupid enough to provoke him into launching a counter missile strike if somehow one of their missiles hit American soil (which is in doubt given their track record). This is the test that Biden, the prophet warned us about. Obama’s being tested, so what does he do? Threaten sanctions? If any harm is done, does he still go the diplomatic route? Can he do anything else?
And then there’s this:

It said the North is believed to have between 2,500 and 5,000 tons of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, phosgene, blood agents and sarin. These weapons can be delivered with ballistic missiles and long-range artillery and are “sufficient to inflict massive civilian casualties on South Korea.”
“If progress is made on rolling back Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, there could be opportunities to construct a cooperative diplomatic solution for chemical weapons and the suspected biological weapons program,” the think tank said in a report released Thursday.

This think tank is living in a fantasy if they think we can make progress “on rolling back Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions,” North Korea has been pursuing nuclear weapons for years, three different presidential administrations haven’t been able to do anything to stop them and have even aided them. When will people realize that they are serious in their pursuit? This is a think tank, don’t they know what the heck is going on and has been going on since the Clinton administration where we’ve actually been helping North Korea obtain nuclear weapons? We aren’t going to be able to stop or even roll back “Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions.” Even a homemaker from NJ, who has never seen the inside walls of a think tank (what do they look like anyway?), can see that
This has been the greatest failure of the Clinton, Bush and now probably the Obama administration. If North Korea finally succeeds in launching a nuclear attack against us, the fault will not lie with Obama alone.

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