In the state Capital of Washington:I love how the atheist is pushing the whole winter solstice thing. Yeah, we are running out and buying presents, decorating our houses with lights and nativity scenes and preparing to make cookies and pies to celebrate the winter. It doesn’t matter that Christianity “stole” a pagan holiday, it has no bearing on our celebration. We celebrate the birth of our Savior on December 25 without regard to what was celebrated there before and we use Christmas trees and lights without regard to how they were used by pagans because we use them to celebrate the birth of our Savior who is life and the light of the world.Christmas is a tradition, not only in this country but around the world. It is a national holiday and the only day of the year when almost everything is closed. Whether they want to do it our not, atheists have to accept the fact that this nation celebrates the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And trying to fight against that is impossible. You’re pushing against a very large stone and very steep hill there, Sisyphus.Also, he’s instance that it’s not a religious display is ludicrous. Of course it’s a religious display, it’s his position about God:

“There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”

That’s a statement about religion. As much as the atheists want to fight against this designation, it’s another uphill battle. Just go to any bookstore and check out the religion section and you’ll find Dawkins and Hitchens. If I were an atheist author, I would be happy to have my book in the religion section of the bookstore. Maybe someone who is seeking answers might pickup my book instead of The Reason for God (if you haven’t bought it yet, buy it now! It is soooo good.)BTW, any belief “hardens hearts and enslaves minds” to opposing views . The atheist rejects anything that is supernatural, his heart is hard to it. His mind is enslaved to his worldview. This guy might want to think about his own presuppositions before he points his finger at us (atheists should really listen to themselves sometime, it would help them see just how intractable they are in their position — not exactly open to a theist point of view there).And another BTW, I think it’s great that he put the sign up. I think Christianity can stand the challenge. Look at both of the messages. Christianity is about hope, love and peace between God and man and each other. Atheism is about negating the Christian message — hope, love and peace between God and man is a myth. There is no hope for you once you die, you cease to exist. That feeling you have that there is something bigger than you, that you were created for a purpose, that feeling that you want to thank someone when things are going great (like at the birth of a baby), that need to turn to someone when they aren’t, all of that is….nothing, it’s not real. I think our message wins the day, if people want something more from their life than just to live it and die.While we’re celebrating, he just wants to be a fly in our soup, the cop telling us to turn the music down, the neighbor hitting his ceiling with a broom, reefs at our love feasts, waterless clouds. Nothing to celebrate about his message. There’s no party going on there. As for me, I’d rather rock! :-)(via)

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