Has it been proven that people can be allergic to WiFi? It’s all over the place, even in this guy’s neighborhood (check out the video here). He would be in constant pain as he walked out to his car, around his neighborhood, throughout the streets of any city and even in any office building. Since it is so common I can’t see how they would win their case:

A group in Santa Fe says the city is discriminating against them because they say that they’re allergic to the wireless Internet signal. And now they want Wi-Fi banned from public buildings.
Arthur Firstenberg says he is highly sensitive to certain types of electric fields, including wireless Internet and cell phones.
“I get chest pain and it doesn’t go away right away,” he said.
Firstenberg and dozens of other electro-sensitive people in Santa Fe claim that putting up Wi-Fi in public places is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

There is no mention in the report or video of a clinical diagnosis of allergy, I’m thinking it’s pycochosymatic.

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