Last week, I shared a couple of posts on apologetics and atheism, which may have given some readers the wrong impression. Let me be clear: I am not an apologist. I have the utmost respect for apologetics, but it is not the calling I’ve received.

And quite frankly, I think that we can easily be misled down the path of knowledge — the same temptation that Adam and Eve faced in the garden, falsely believing that knowledge was more important than life.

I see the value of intellectual proof for the existence of God, but at the same time, if we are not living as if we believe what we say we believe, then what’s the point of saying it at all?

Along those lines, I’d like to see us put our hands and feet where our mouths are. As you know, we talk a lot on this blog about justice issues. In my study of Scripture, I’ve been blown away by how many verses talk about God’s love for the fatherless and widow, how he cares deeply for the imprisoned and oppressed, and how expects us to do the same.

As an adopted son and father of two adopted children, I am, as you know, passionate about orphan care; with the writing of my new book Priceless, however, I’ve been compelled to advocate for the millions of victims of human trafficking around the world.

Friends, I’ll be blunt: I don’t think that it’s time for apologetics or theology or philosophical musings. I think it’s time to act.

I don’t want to try to guilt you with statistics or lofty figures that you can’t relate to. We’ve all heard those before. I want to share an opportunity for you to do more than merely advocate.

My friends at Adventures in Missions have put together a trip for young people to spend five months being exposed to the realities of human trafficking, while partnering with existing ministries around the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus to trafficking survivors. One of the months they’ll actually be spending here in the United States. Find out more here: <;subtab=humantrafficking>

If you are 21-35 and a Jesus-follower, I want you to seriously consider going on this trip. It will give you an opportunity to be the Body of Christ and to put his red letters into action. I guarantee that it will turn your world upside down (in a good way).

And those of you who cannot go, please consider what you can do to be a part of this. Pray for the ministry, support someone who can go, mobilize a friend, help get the word out, etc. Advocacy is great, but God also calls us to act in response to the injustices and atrocities we witness.

I want to know how, if at all, this post touched you. Would you mind sharing in the comments section what you are led to do?

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