Today I met a girl who represents hope and future to me.

One of the passages we are fond of is Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future."

So many orphans are harmed…like the young boy I met whose eye collapsed when a group of bullies held him down, and used a plastic bottle to suck the fluid from his eye socket.

Today I met a young woman who was abandoned by her parents and ended up living with her aunt. All during this time she lived
under the constant threat of being raped by her cousin every night.

It's hard to put that in perspective or have any frame of reference for these kind of circumstances. I cannot imagine being a young and vulnerable girl, raped by a family member. A hope and future? Yeah right. Maybe for somebody else…

As an
orphan she had no place to go except the street, and so she left that home for good. It couldn't get much worse.

That's when she met Hannah.


Hannah is "mother" to over 175 kids in 19 different homes. She puts 6-8 together in one home with a mom. The entire network runs on Hannah's love, grit, and determination. I love it! Hannah is one of the most phenomenal caregivers I've ever met.

Hannah took in this young girl and put her in one of her homes.


Now she lives in one of Hannah's homes with five other girls. She's learned
to cook, she's going to school, and she studies the Bible everyday at
Hannah's community center. She's almost done with high school and wants to
become a doctor so she can help others.

A hope and a future.

We have a great opportunity to support Hannah's home, and because of how she has these homes set-up, it is a great way for a family, a small group, or another smaller community to support. Sponsorship of one of Hannah's homes of 8 kids would be $3,264 a year…If you're interested as an individual or a group, let us know.

Give online today to support Hannah's Homes on CHC's donation page.

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