It took me twenty minutes to load my blog page, but I am determined! Hello to everyone and thanks for the many prayers and inquires from all of you – it is appreciated more than you know. Obviously, my heart is full with so much to tell you about our trip. Every single person who has traveled with us is changed forever. The suffering, the lack of basic necessities, the death and disease, have all been a tremendous load to bear.

We have driven all over Swaziland and spent time at numerous carepoints. One of the highlights for me, was too see Pastor Themba’s carepoint.  This is the one we visited as a family in June where people were literally starving to death. Orphans are everywhere because the area has been decimated by AIDS. It was wonderful to see the kids eating everyday and a the shell of a building that has gone up and will be completed. This will serve as a church, training center for education and HIV counseling, food storage, library – an all purpose building in every sense of the word. This place is truly an "Oasis in the Desert," and we have visions for a well, gardens, school, playground and kitchen. This place is a beacon of hope for the people which reveals to them that God has not forgotten and that there is hope.

I must admit that seeing children suffer and die in the dirt, literally, is a very difficult thing. Their life or death comes from what we share with them from the crumbs on our table. For all of you sponsoring churches and individuals, I want to thank you for your faithfulness. The life change that is occuring because of your love is indescribable. A little goes a long way here and our efforts are working. This is an investment that will yield HUGE returns in the Kingdom of heaven.

The needs continue to press in on every side. The more people realize that we are faithful, keep our word, and deliver real help, the more they are running to us begging us for food and sponsorship. Of course they are begging, they are desperate and needy. They’ve been so let down by numbers of organization who have promised help and never followed through. For those of you who desire to get your church connected to sponsorship, please contact us and we will help immediately. Email Hannah at and she will get you started.

Today we are headed for one more carepoint and to do a ‘Blessing Service’ and ministry time for the widows who so faithfully serve in Swaziland. These women literally carry this country on their backs.

I’m hoping to upload a few pictures in South Afriac. Love you all!

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