the first time in his presidency Barack Obama has, according to a
Gallup poll, fallen below a fifty percent approval rating. It’s not
hard to see why. No, it’s not because he’s spending too much money.
There seem to be many Americans who want him to boost social programs.
Less so is it because people perceive him as accomplishing little
because if he pulls off health care reform that is a big thing indeed.
No, the principal reason Obama, who became President by electrifying
the electorate, has fallen to earth is that he has become boring.
Humdrum. Can anyone recall any important line the President has uttered
since assuming office or a single dazzling speech?

And lest we
make the mistake of believing the President has become boring because
his speeches are not up to par, let me be clear that I think the
boredom is only partially related to failure to excite with inspired

Rather, the twin factors behind the President’s monotony are these: ubiquitousness and perfection.

This president does not seem to understand the power of mystery. At
any given time, he is in China, Japan, Egypt, in the Rose Garden, at
the UN, on your television screen, and on your radio. He does not
believe in holding back. The net result has been to make him all-too
available and utterly ordinary. The same is true of his propensity to
prostrate himself – quite literally – in front of world leaders like
the Saudi King and the Japanese Emperor. The issue is not that he
belittles his office but that he comes across as a supplicant. What is
about our president that propels him to seek others’ approval at every
turn? And why can he not pace himself so that something of himself is
left in reserve so that the people later want more?

Much more importantly, however, the President has become boring because he is way too perfect.

Last week I convened the first International Conference on Jewish
Values. It featured most of Judaism’s foremost living personalities,
including Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Michael Steinhardt, Joseph Telushkin,
Richard Joel, Alan Dershowitz, and Dennis Prager (full video of the
entire conference is available at The last, and most
important, of the seven universal Jewish values we focused on was

Where most of the world believes in perfection, Jews believe in
struggle. Jesus was perfect, as was Muhammad. Any insinuation as to
Jesus even getting lonely and requiring the love of a woman, as Dan
Brown suggested in The Da Vinci Code, would greatly offend the
sensibilities of Christian brothers and sisters. And an insinuation
that Muhamad had any faults – even if the suggestion is made in a
humorous cartoon – can and has let to riots in cities around the world.

But it’s not just religions that make the mistake of promoting
perfection. I remember as a young American boy being taught that George
Washington never told a lie and that Abraham Lincoln walked miles to
return a single penny.

But the Jewish Bible has not a single perfect person. All are
flawed. Abraham demonstrates a lack of faith, Jacob favors a child, and
Moses often complains and then refuses to perfectly carry out G-d’s
instructions for which he is denied entry into the promised land.
David, the father of the Messiah, is so riddled with flaws that he must
live through the open rebellion of his beloved Absalom. So if these
people were so imperfect, why do we look up to them as heroes?

The answer, of course, is that Judaism has no time for perfection.
Perfect people are monolithic, predictable, often judgmental, and,
worst of all, boring. That’s the main reason why Americans did not
develop a populist passion for books about the founding fathers until
about twenty years ago when authors finally starting writing the truth
about how complex and flawed these men who had been sold to us as
statues actually were. Joseph Ellis wrote American Sphinx and shared
with us, in vivid detail, the fact of Jefferson’s slaveholding and his
sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings. In His Excellency Ellis
reveals George Washington’s uncompromising ambition for wealth and
social status. And in Lincoln’s Melancholy Joshua Wolf Shenk reveals
the great president as a man so suicidal that his friends often feared
leaving him unattended.

So why do we revere these men if they were less than perfect?
Because the truly righteous man is not he who never sins but rather he
who, amid a predilection to narcissism and selfishness, battles his
nature to live a virtuous life. The truly great man is not he who slays
dragons but he who battles his inner demons, he who struggles with
himself to improve and ennoble his character

Israel means ‘he who wrestles with G-d.’ It was the name of Jacob
who wrestled with a brother who sought to kill him and a father-in-law
who sought to enslave him. Most of all, he wrestled with an angel, a
symbol of his earthly and G-dly nature locked in battle for ascendancy.

I would personally choose the man who has wrestled and struggled any
day over the trust-fund baby who has never struggled. Those whom have
been given gifts often lack empathy and risk becoming conventional and

Which brings us back to Barack Obama, a man was raised without a
father who had to wrestle with major challenges in order to succeed. So
why does he insist on coming across as perfect? Why will he not leave
the teleprompter and give an off-the-cuff speech where he can showcase
his humanity? Why does he take such long pauses in responding to all
questions to ensure that only perfection stems from his lips? And why
is everything in this White House a perfectly calibrated photo-op?

Sure, during the campaign America may have wanted a Messiah figure.
They saw messy wars and a collapsing economy and wanted a savior. But
as President they want someone real, someone who struggles like them.

Even in the worst moments of the Monica Lewinsky scandal President
Clinton’s poll numbers never dipped below fifty percent. Most Americans
saw a flawed man and identified with his lack of perfection.

Barack Obama is far more disciplined for such unfortunate choices
and I respect him for it. But don’t be afraid to show us Mr. President
that, as in the title of George Stephanopoulos’ book about President
Clinton, that you also are All Too Human.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, founder of This World: The Values Network,
is author most recently of ‘The Blessing of Enough’ and ‘The Michael
Jackson Tapes.’

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