The past few weeks on the road have provided me the time to reflect on things that I may not have in the busyness of being a Husband, Father, Pastor and community member. Often, we have to be removed from the noise of everyday, and just tune into God. As you may know, I love social media and it keeps me connected to my flock while on my Walk Across America to End Violence. Twitter is my favorite platform. I am able to communicate those things I see or learn along the way to all of our supporters in a mere 140 characters or less. But it also has become my tablet, my diary. While on the roof I kept a diary of “Rooftop Revelations” and God has used those lessons and precepts to bless the lives of many. And being ever faithful to me, he has given me “Roadside Revelations”. I would like to just share some of those #RoadsideRevelations with you. These particular revelations were inspired by the hills of Pennsylvania.

Whatever HILLS (Challenges) you’re facing now are only preparing you for the Greater challenges you’ll face later!#RoadsideRevelations‬

Although a HILL looks and feels like an Obstacle, at the end of the day, it takes you to the TOP! #RoadsideRevelations‬

There r some HILLS no matter how much you pray God is NOT going to remove it You’ve got2 climb it! #GodKnowsWhatsBest‬

You’re only LOOKIN’ at 1 side of the HILL, Keep climbing there’s a blessing on the other side.#RoadsideRevelations‬

HILLS will Challenge u on your way UP but HILLS will Encourage u on your way down; There’s a blessing on the other side#RoadsideRevelations

The only MOUNTAIN/HILLS that God wants you to speak to and remove are the ones He DOESN’T want you to climb!#RoadsideRevelations‬

The ascent may seem slow and hard, BUT it’s the decent that’s going to get you there faster! #RoadsideRevelations‬

For every HILL you face, there are people along the way to help you to climb it if you keep #Walking‬! #RoadsideRevelations‬

Although a HILL looks and feels like an obstacle, at the end of the day, it takes you to the TOP! #RoadsideRevelations‬

There r some HILLS no matter how much you pray God is NOT going to remove it You’ve got to climb it! #GodKnowsWhatsBest‬#RoadsideRevelations‬

You’re only LOOKIN at 1 side of the HILL Keep climbing there’s a blessing on the other side. #RoadsideRevelations‬

The ascent may seem slow and hard, BUT it’s the decent that’s going to get you there faster! #RoadsideRevelations

HILLS will challenge u on your way UP but HILLS will encourage u on your way down; There’s a blessing on the other side#RoadsideRevelations

There are some MOUNTAINS/HILLS you want to climb – ask Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, David, Jesus… #RoadsideRevelations‬

Abraham – “If you don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL how will u know there’s a ram in the BUSH” #RoadsideRevelations‬

Moses – “If you don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL how will you get the instructions for your journey?” #RoadsideRevelations‬

Joshua – “If you don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL how will get your NEXT assignment?” #RoadsideRevelations‬

Elijah – “If you don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL how will you know that Prophets don’t belong in Caves?” #RoadsideRevelations‬

David – “If you don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL you’ll never Discover some of the Poetry and the Songs HIDDEN in you!#RoadsideRevelations‬

Jesus – “If I don’t climb the MOUNTAINs/HILLs I will never make it to LA!!!” #Simplicity‬ #RoadsideRevelations‬

Corey Brooks “If you Don’t climb the MOUNTAIN/HILL how will be able to SACRIFICE for others?”#RoadsideRevelations‬

I hope you envision the mountains and hills that I have endured so far and draw parallels to the hills and mountains in your life, whatever those may be. Remember that I walking these hills to help children in America overcome the mountains of opposition that they face; failing educational systems, ill-equipped social communities, steep economic handicaps and ineffective spiritual community infrastructures. I know that each step up that hill is one less step towards a future horribly impacted by violence for those children. And when you envision those mountains, remember that nothing is insurmountable, not with God walking with you.

Corey B. Brooks

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