“May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38)

For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Yes” ascends to God for his glory. (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Our one year old Golden Retriever is learning obedience. Sweet Rhema is ignorant of the perils posed by vehicles traveling at 60 MPH outside the grove of fir trees in our yard. She has wandered that direction coming closer to danger than we feel comfortable. Our breeder has given us some tools for training that little by little have turned Rhema into an obedient dog who comes almost instantly when we call her. Through this we are learning the joys of being in authority over an obedient pup, giving us a small glimpse of the glory God must feel when we simply obey what He tells us to do.

A young girl named Mary was called by God to do the impossible – to receive a miracle through which the world would be changed forever. She said yes. By the grace of God, it’s possible for us to follow her lead.


Give me a heart like the Mary’s, willing to agree with Your Word, Your promises, and Your intent for my life. With Mary there was no negotiating, no hemming or hawing, no 24 hours to think about it, no keeping her options open. You simply spoke, and she unhesitatingly responded with a Yes.

You have an intent for me. That purpose will have its challenges, its high points and low points, its joys and sorrows, but Your plan is far and above the best plan for my short life. May my soul be transformed into one that instantly obeys you, comes when You call, follows your lead, and believes Your Word even when I can’t fully comprehend it, for Your Word is Truth.

In Jesus’ Name Amen

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